A New Decade - A New Approach #PLENTY2020

I’ve decided to use the #PLENTY2020 hashtag as a constant reminder throughout 2020 to maintain a focused approach towards laying the key foundations for a great decade to come.

#Plenty2020 for me is about a year focused on bringing Joy, Gratitude, Fun, Excellence, Alignment, Compassion, Laughter, Enthusiasm, Inspiration, High Performance, Clarity, Courage, Appreciation, Respect, Energy, Vitality, Action, World-Class Service, Achievement, Contribution, Presence, Leadership, Responsibility, Prosperity, Consistency, Dedication, Fulfillment and most of all Love, as I work towards becoming The Best Version of Myself in each area of my life.


I know that life will happen and hurdles will appear along the path to test my resolve, but I now truly appreciate how important it is to play the long game in life as well as having an attitude of gratitude for each and every moment.

Over the Christmas break I have developed a brand new approach to my life which sets out my daily actions and I have a game plan already set for the next 12 months with checkpoints along the way which will help me stay on track.

It’s going to be an exciting journey and I’m looking forward to discovering what opportunities are ahead.


Feel free to adopt/follow the #Plenty2020 hashtag (or make up your own hashtag) and make the decision to set your own pathway in 2020 towards living an inspired, enriched, plentiful life.

Warm regards

Greg Vincent