Draft Report: A Look Into 'The Future For Acreage This Decade'


Hi, I'm currently in the process of writing a report on 'The Future For Acreage This Decade', see the first part of the report below.

But as I'm writing this report, one question just keeps going over and over in my mind... 'Where on earth are all of these people going to live?'

First part of the report...

"Australia’s population clock ticked over to an historic milestone: 25 million people in August 2018. It took Australia 23 years to increase from 15 million people to 20 million people. But the latest 5 million, to reach the 25 million milestone, was added in just 14 years.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) medium-growth model, we can expect Australia’s population to grow to 30 million by 2030 and by the end of this decade Sydney is projected to have a population nearing 6.5 million. That’s an extra 1.4 million on top of the current 5.1 million population of Sydney.

Now when you consider the latest North West Growth Sector precincts already released like Riverstone East (Stages 1 and 2) provides 3500 homes and Vineyard Stage 1 will add a further 2300 homes and these precinct plans were finalised in August 2016 and December 2017 respectively, and only one precinct has several homes completed or being built, whereas, the other precinct doesn’t have a single parcel of land ready to build on as yet.

With the latest census showing Sydney having an average household size of 2.72, these 2 precincts will eventually accommodate approx.16,000 people in total, but, if it takes 4 years to go from precinct release to homes built, with an extra 1.4 million people going to live in Sydney in the next decade, our city will conservatively need approximately 400,000+ more homes and very quickly."

I know the Aerotropolis precincts are going to add enormously to the volume of housing, but, there's a lot more that will need to be done to accomodate Sydney's population growth.

I'd be really interested in gaining any insights from town planners, community leaders and acreage owners currently living on the fringes of the development areas or anyone who has ideas about what can be done.

Thank You in advance.

UPDATE: The full report is available in The Acreage Report 2020 (Autumn edition), grab your copy at www.TheAcreageReport.com.au


Greg Vincent 
